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Bellsites 40th Annual

Poker Derby

February 24th  2019




For those of you that not been at the Bellsite Derby yet, here is what to expect.


You will sign in at the Bellsite Community Hall to get registered and pay the fees. They provide coffee, hot chocolate, and muffins in the hall.  Start your day off right visiting with the community centre folks and other participants. Now it’s time to start your ride.


From Bellsite you will travel north to Mafeking on route # 2. Mafeking Gas & Groceries is on the route if you need to top up your fuel tank. Just north of Mafeking you will come to the junction of route # 549. A left turn will have you heading up into the Porcupine Mountains. This is a very pretty trail that winds through old growth spruce trees and along a creek. For the most part, you are riding up hill in the Porcupine Provincial Forest all the way. The next spot on # 549 will be the Fish Road warm up shelter that is 20 miles from Bellsite. Some people like to stop here for a warm up visit and just enjoy the day.


All North Mountain Riders warm up shelters have wood stoves, firewood, basic supplies, and an outhouse. They are a great place for a rest &/or a visit.


You can warm up there if necessary, or better yet, carry on for another 5 miles to the Steeprock Lake campground where Spruce Products personnel will provide you with lunch at their derby Pit Stop. Smokies on a bun, hot chocolate, and some of the best and biggest cookies ever! But don’t get too carried away, because there is a full course meal waiting for you back at the Bellsite Hall.


At this point, there is a short two way traffic piece of trail to get you back to trail #549 so PLEASE BE EXTRA CAREFUL there. Trail #549 will take you all the way around Steeprock Lake to the junction of our route #550. Turn left onto #550 and proceed to our Olsen Lake shelter where you can warm up, visit, and enjoy the great outdoors. When leaving the Olsen shelter on #550, turn left at the junction with #558 and carry on down #550 that will take you to the top of the Birch River canyon. Looking off to your right you can see the Faye Corbett Memorial Shelter on the hill across the valley if you look closely through the trees.


When you reach the junction with route #554, turn right and go up the hill to Faye’s Memorial warm up shelter. PLEASE BE CAREFUL on this trail as it is also two way traffic. The view from Faye’s is wonderful so take some time to enjoy it.


Leaving Faye’s, back track to the #554 junction PLEASE remember to be cautious as this is a two way traffic zone. Turn right on #554 and follow the trail all the way down the hills to the junction of route #2. Turn left there and you are on the old CNR rail bed passing through Birch River, Novra, and then back to Bellsite.


Once back at the hall, the Bellsite Community Centre folks will have a SUPPER made for you. All of the door prizes, raffle prizes, and the winning poker hands will be posted. Almost everyone gets a door prize, and the meal alone is worth the trip.

Now it’s time to relax, and enjoy the great hospitality of the Bellsite people.


Home made supper with fresh buns, meat & potatoes, salads, and desserts……we hope you have loose fitting clothes on, you will need the room for the meal. The only thing missing is the couch to have a nap on after your big 75 mile ride, a great meal, and all that visiting.

Special THANKS to all the sponsors for door prizes, helping, and all the volunteer work that is done to continue making this a “DO NOT MISS EVENT”.


Mark your calendar for the Sunday of the last weekend in February……..BELLSITE DERBY.


DO NOT MISS OUT! See you there.

The 38th Bellsite Poker Derby

No Snow!!  The ride was cancelled but they still had the Poker Derby  2017 season

We didn't have the snow but we still had a great time,  71 people came out to enjoy the meal and visited with friends. We had the door prizes and penny auction items, 50/50 draw and the poker hands as usual, here are the winners.

The Bellsite Poker Derby gave out a total of $1,887.50 in prize money

1st  - full house to Bjorn Abrahamson

 2nd  - flush A's high - Gord Evans

3rd  - flush Q's high  - Bob Woodward

the most ghost riders 

Lisa Towers of Flin Flon with 260 ghost hands

runner up with 62 ghost hands

Mel Edmunds

A big thanks from the Bellsite Community, and  all the volunteers who donated food, and/or time, to put the derby on,  and the Business and surrounding area that made donations of money, prizes, time for our event.

Thanks, see you next year !!

Bellsite 39th Annual Poker Derby Results

209 Sleds with 826 Ghost riders

Total payout of $5200.00

not bad for  day on the trails!  

1st prize: 

Best Hand - Mel Edmunds - 4 aces


Driver was Mel for $208.00

2nd prize: 

Best Hand - Blain Campbell - 4 kings


Driver was Mel  Edmunds for $156.00

3rd prize: 

Best Hand - Derek Bohlken - 4- 3's


Driver was Derek  for 52.00

Most Ghost Riders - Lisa Towers   $1040.00

                 for a total of 300 ghost riders

Results from the 2014 Bellsite Derby:


214 Driver hands sold  -  232 Ghost Riders

Total Income - $5440.00  Total payouts - $2720.00


1st prize - Best hand - 5-7's - Les Rolsky - $1088.00


2nd prize - Best hand - 4 of a kind - Eric Hrappstead - $816.00


3rd  prize - Best hand - Morley Rostesky - $272.00

driver Bridget Dahl $27.20


Most Ghost Riders - Garth Scott - 53 riders - $544.00

    Results from the 2015 derby  


 167 drivers and 254 ghost riders entered


Janet Potton

won the 50/50 draw and took home $290.00 


Ben Judson

had top prize, 4 -*'s for $830.10


Tyler Tulman

got second for 4 - 6's and took home 691.80


Nick Filuk

had third prize for a full house and got 230.60


the most ghost riders went to Brian Dawson for 461.20 

he had 42 ghoset riders
















Results from the 2016 Derby


208 Drivers and 586 Ghost Riders were registered

this is the record amount of drivers

 what a great turn out 


1st prize


Frankie Kiezie for $1563.40

driver - Shane Mcfayden for $121.95


2nd Prize


Wilma Colbert for $1097.55

driver - Mel Edmunds for $62.50


3rd Prize


Driver - Gilbert Collinson $406.50


Most ghost riders

Mel Edmunds for $813.00

for 156 ghost riders





Results from the Bellsite 2013 - 34th - Derby


216 driver hand sold and 369 Ghostriders

Total income $5085.00, Total payouts $2542.50


1st prise best hand - 4 jacks - Larry Unger  $1,017.00


2nd prise best hand - 4-9's - Kolan Mckay  $762.75


3rd prise best hand - 4-8's - Mel Brelinski  $254.25


Most Ghost Riders - Brian Dawson had 60 ghost riders 

for  $508.50



Results from the 2012 Bellsite Derby


They had 179 driver hands sold, and 297 ghost riders



Bellsite's 33rd annual derby winners information:


1st prize - 20% of total went to Claudia Sutherland


she won $834.00 for 4 - 8's,         



2nd prize - 15% of total went to Danny Jersak, $625.50



3rd prize - 5% of total to Elmer McCorrister $208.50


most ghost riders (42) went to Elmer McCorrister

for $417.00

Results from the 2011 Belsite Derby


There were 162 driver hands sold and 456 Ghost Riders


Total payout for the day was $2355.00


here are the winners!


Best Hand, First Prize - 4 aces, Joe Mckay $942.00


Second Prize for 4 Jacks - Jon Lucan $706.50


Third Prize for 4 - 9's  - Colleen Cook  $235.50


Most Ghost Riders - Floyd Corbet - 63 ghost riders for $471.0

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